Integrated, Embodied and Expressive

Introduction to Reflexes:

Focus on Feet

This workshop will illuminate teachers to the link between reflexes and many of the physical challenges and injuries we see in our students. 

YES!  There is a solution to:

Flat Feet, High Arches

Easily Sprained Ankles and Clicking Hip Syndrome

Come Find some Answers and Solutions!

Get started today on a whole new journey!

What is a Reflex

Reflexes are a neurological blueprint that trigger specific full body movements that are out of our voluntary control.  They are meant to do their job in the first 2 years of life and then no longer remain active in the system. 

Effect of Reflexes

Active reflexes after the age of 2, are called retained reflexes. All those active prevent the development of postural reflexes, exhaust the nervous system and have students unable to control their voluntary movements. 

Reflexes in Dancers

The signs and symptoms of various reflexes in dancers technique, artistry and musicality will be shared.  The links to common chronic injuries and challenges with function will also be shared with teachers. 

Lower Stress in Class

Reflexes are less likely to emerge in class with the right learning environment. Strategies for allowing students to develop as dancers without reflex interference will be explored. 

Integrating Reflexes

There are specific movements to integrate reflexes at any age, thereby maturing the nervous system and allowing for postural reflexes and the ability to have voluntary movement control. 

Focus on Feet

The movements to integrate foot reflexes will be the focus so that teachers and dancers have tools to assist dancers with flat feet and high arches, and those who have ankle, knee and hip problems. 

Mariah-Jane Thies

Artistic Director of The Radiant Dance Teacher

Mariah-Jane has 35 years experience teaching dancers of all ages.   She became certified in Brain Gym and Rhythmic Movement Training (Reflex Integration) and has been working since to bring this vital information to the dance community.

She has considerable experience with active reflexes in her own body AND with the amazing results of integration of reflexes!